Now, you close your eyes.
Let's imagine something that is fermenting.
Bubble bubble...
There are small bubbles coming out of it.
Why are there so many bubbles?
What's going on inside?
You turn into a tiny human being,
Jump into the fermenting liquid.
"Wow, it looks kind of muddy."
My whole body is sticky.
Something with various shapes is moving vigorously!
You speak.
"Who are you?"
"We are microbes."
"What are you doing?"
They answer:
"We love sweet sugar. We can't stop anymore."
without any self-consciousness,
they keep munching on the sweet sugar.
And when you look closely,
you'll see that what they ate was
on the surface of the microorganism's body,
they become smaller and change shape before coming out.
in the body,
they were moving around.
They are enzymes.
(*The image is an example of AI creation.)