ぬちぐすいとの出会い4 開発者は一体何者?

Encounter with Nuchigusui 4: Who is the Developer?


Hello everyone!

How are you?


The dating series has finally become its fourth installment!

Are you not going to write about anything else, how far will you go? (lol)


This time, the content is different from the rest, so it's just impossible to miss it!


The process so far:

  1. Meet a nuchigusui,
  2. Read the website, look at the ingredients, compare it with others,
  3. I searched a lot of online experiences, read experiences from videos, and interviews, and became convinced that this product was exactly what I had expected (not normal).

That's all about the previous story.


What happened then?

I read the entire homepage and blog of the manufacturer, Kantesanse.


The "blog" is written by a central figure who was the developer.

This is another surprising thing.


Do you know why this tuchigusui was created?

You'll find out as you read this developer's blog.


Why did you develop the nuchigusui?


The answer is,

"I wanted to make the real thing."

Apparently that's it.



I wanted to create something that would be useful to others.


That's all, the Nuchigusui was developed.

This idea and motivation are the most fundamental.

That's all.


This developer is not a normal person.

I think you'll understand more and more by reading this blog.


For this developer,

If it's really not useful to others,

It's pointless to make anything.


If it's not real

There's no point in creating this product.


That's how it was developed.


That's why the ingredients are different.

Manufacturing method and

All the process of commercialization

That's the basic idea.


So it's obvious that it's different from others.

Motivation, passion, commitment,

It's completely different from the root.


It's cheap and profitable,

Also includes moderately healthy things,

The rest is to increase the amount and turn it into a product.

Maybe there's a lot.


However, this may not give you the expected effect,

The unnecessary ingredients may cause poor health after several years.

It is possible to do so.


Whether it stands from the perspective of other people's happiness.


Please see the list of ingredients for nuchigusui.

I want to make the real thing, but will it be added appropriately?

Each piece is carefully researched and carefully selected.

It's in place with a purpose.


From all over Japan, Asia and other distant countries around the world,

Contains valuable, high-quality ingredients that are difficult to harvest.

We've collected over 80 types.


What's more, there are a lot of secrets hidden.

For example, water.

(Of course, it's not tap water. I'll talk about this one more time as much as I can talk about it.)

The developers are travelling all the way, even for just this one water.


And if this person finds one good ingredient,

"I'm glad you found something good, this will help others."

He is happy.


at a later date,

To become an agent,

I had an online interview with this developer.

First, a young man took the initiative to set up the setting.

He's a young and very well-working person, and I really think I'm one of the staff members.

I never thought this was the one that was developed.(I thought he was an elderly person).


He's not noticeable at all, and he does this kind of thing.

The more amazing people, the more likely it is.


There are also some other wonderful female presidents,

There are some great staff,

Everyone was not normal lol.


How is it not normal?

"I want to be of help to others"

Is it the kind of thing that "lives using others' happiness as a purpose in life?"


Please also read Cantesance's blog (and "About Us").


And many other events continued after that, and my confidence in the process of nuchigusui was only increasing.